While I am a very argumentative girl, I understand my limit, now, it's taken me 32 years to get there, but I still understand, most of the time b/c my husband would argue differently, when to stop.
However, I have 4 girls and arguing seems to be 2nd nature to them. One would think that the oldest, the teenager would be the worst, but honestly, they are all terrible about it in their own ways! And it doesn't matter what you say either, there is always an argument that ends with me saying, "just stop arguing with me please it's not becoming of you."
TIME AND TIME AND TIME AGAIN. No matter how much trouble one gets into, there is ALWAYS an argument the next time.
I just don't remember arguing with my mother ABOUT everything, did I really challenge every decision she EVER made? And what is this holier than though attitude and where did their attitude of gratitude go?
HELP!! Drowning in girls! :) lol