Friday, September 14, 2012

Mid-September ALREADY!!!

I was having a conversation with someone, and I can't quite remember who it was, but said I was bad about updating everyone on what is going on with us, then it hit me, I need to just blog it all. LMAO. I pretty much use facebook for this purpose, but there are some that aren't on my facebook and that's ok b/c not only do I use it for this purpose I also have a good time with my friends on there and well, that's not for some people's eyes either. LOL

So, I shall create another blog, much like facebook which will be all about our family and what we are doing all of the time. Problem is, the one's that that is for may not like it because they don't tend to accept that OUR FAMILY is 7 people, not just two or three ... ya know!

I'd love to have tall the time to blog and post creations and such, but I just don't have it. A working mom with 5 children, all in school now, a full time job and a husband that mostly travels for his work...... that's just not happening. :)

Mid-September, I just can't believe it. Here's to soccer games, practices, finishing up volleyball season, starting AEP (medicare annual enrollment period) and staying sane.

Cheers. LOL :)

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