Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Out of Sight, but NOT out of Mind!

I am trying to clean off my work computer before I go on vacation and in my favorites list are two links, one links to the funeral home's page dedicated to my father and the other to his KC Star Obituary page. Man, how hard is that. The picture we used was in front of a Christmas Tree; his very favorite holiday!
While for me, it may be a little easier because I do not live in the KC area anymore and do not have CONSTANT sights and reminders; at the same time it is very difficult. My dad lives on in his children and in his grandchildren, we have his fiber optic christmas tree up in our living room with his glass ornaments on there and a picture of him, when any of us in the house reference that tree, we reference it as "Grandpa's Tree."
I can't tell you how many times I want to pick up the phone and call him for advice, it's almost daily that something happens that I need his input on. Since his death, amazingly, I have put about three things in my life into effect that he always told me to do/not do; and daily I smile and thank him for those choices b/c they were the right answer and the right thing to do. My father was one of the greatest men I have ever known, and while I knew that when he was alive, it is ever more pressed in my life daily as I raise my own children and make decisions for my life.
I miss him every second of every day, Thanksgiving was quiet without him, Christmas will be dreadful without his laugh and santa hat and suspenders. I can't tell you how much of a character he was, if you knew him you know that he never let a minute go by where he didn't make you "lighten up" no matter the circumstance.
I've said it a million times, and I"ll say it again; his cup was ALWAYS half full, that's all he knew.
As I go into Christmas this weekend, it will be with a heavy heart; I will be missing Dad even more than I already do. Holidays are hard, I miss mom every holiday every year and it never gets easier, this year, there will be two spots empty and that is a bit hard to comprehend.
Love the one's who are around because tomorrow is never promised, shoot, tonight is not promised. I need to do a better job of this myself, never forget your place and ALWAYS tell them you LOVE THEM!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

December? What? Are you Serious?

And December is here. Wow, it seems like just yesterday I was starting this blog vowing to keep up with it. I should never vow that, my life is too crazy and complicated.

The kids are all doing wonderful. Anabel is in a new preschool, Peace Kids Lutheran Pre School at the Lutheran church just up the road from us, she really likes it. She still has the morning blah's every once in a while where she complains about having to go, but once she gets there she is happy the rest of the day. I have noticed such a huge difference in her since she has started. They have a school curriculum from 9 - 3 and then before 9 and after 3 is just play time. They get to go to the sanctuary and have a lesson and sing about God. One day she told me that she was singing for God but she did not see him so she did not think he heard her. I explained to her that God is all around us and can hear and see everything, but most importantly God is in our hearts and in her heart and when she sings she can feel him there. So the next day she tells me, "mom, i sang my heart out for God and even though i didn't see him, i felt my heart the whole time."  Ugh. that little munchkin, I tell you what!

We are almost set up at ther Berger Homestead for Christmas, Colin and the kids have really worked hard on the lights outside, the kids have put up both the Berger Family Tree as well as Gpa Austin's tree. Now I just need to get my behind in gear and finish the rest of the decorating. It seems time is flying by too quickly.

Wishing you all a Happy December!